Indigenous Cultural Understandings of Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias – Research and Engagement (ICARE)

The Memory Keepers-Medical Discovery Team (MK-MDT) has been awarded National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding through the National Institute on Aging (NIA) for their grant entitled, “Indigenous Cultural Understandings of Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias – Research and Engagement (I-CARE)” R01AG062307 for another five years (2021-2026). ICARE was previously funded for two years to collect preliminary data (1R56AG062307-01).

This research is the second phase of ICARE and will address dementia disparities by examining how culture and community-specific context shape Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias (ADRD) illness experiences in Indigenous populations. Using ethnographic and community-based approaches the team will integrate the Indigenous lived experiences of ADRD in the creation of culturally appropriate and safe approaches to improve dementia diagnostics, care and outreach.


Memory Keepers researchers: Drs. Kristen Jacklin (PI), Wayne Warry (Co-I), and Jordan Lewis (Co-I) have partnered with the Red Lake Nation and the Grand Portage Band of Lake Superior Chippewa, Drs. Carey Gleason (Co-I) and Megan Zuelsdorff (Co-I) from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the Oneida National Commission on Aging, and NAANDWECHIGE-GAMIG Wikwemikong Health Centre, M’Chigeeng Health Centre, and Mnaamodzawin Health Centre, Ontario.


March 2021: Medical Discovery Team Awarded $7.5M to Improve Knowledge of Indigenous Cultural Understandings of Dementia Care